Online Version?

Gepostet 8 Monate her von Devia Rodgers

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Devia Rodgers

Hi.  I'm not able to download MAXQDA due to not owning the device.  I do have a license code from the university I attend.  Is there an online version that I can access?

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Stine Rüger

Stine Rüger gepostet 8 Monate her Administrator Beste Antwort

Dear Devia, 

MAXQDA is an on premise software which you are only able to use, when you install the software on your computer. 

We don't provide any web app.  This has the advantage that we con provide this many functions in MAXQDA and you know that your data is secure. 

We are sorry that we can't provide you with a solution for your case. 

Perhaps there is a possibility that you receive the permission to install MAXQDA on the device you are using. 

Best regards, 

Your MAXQDA Support Team

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Stine Rüger

Stine Rüger gepostet 8 Monate her Administrator Antwort

Dear Devia, 

MAXQDA is an on premise software which you are only able to use, when you install the software on your computer. 

We don't provide any web app.  This has the advantage that we con provide this many functions in MAXQDA and you know that your data is secure. 

We are sorry that we can't provide you with a solution for your case. 

Perhaps there is a possibility that you receive the permission to install MAXQDA on the device you are using. 

Best regards, 

Your MAXQDA Support Team

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Wolfgang Meyer gepostet 8 Monate her Administrator

Hi Devia,

MAXQDA is a desktop application and thus requires a Windows computer or MAC to be installed and used. There is no online version of the software.

Best regards on behalf of the MAXQDA support team,


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