Is there any option to deactivate timestamps for the creation of codes and categories?
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etwa 3 Stunden her
Whenever i create a new category or make changes to a existing one, there is always a timestamp created and shown to when i made those mentioned changes. As i dont want any potential person who reads the document to know exactly when i made changes, i would really like to have an option to not display the timestamps to other users or prevent maxqda from even creating the timestamps
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Khaled Alostathgepostet
etwa 22 Stunden her
I am not sure what you are referring to by timestamps with codes. Could you please provide us with more details for clarification?
Is there any option to deactivate timestamps for the creation of codes and categories?
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2 Kommentare
sparx gepostet etwa 3 Stunden her
Whenever i create a new category or make changes to a existing one, there is always a timestamp created and shown to when i made those mentioned changes. As i dont want any potential person who reads the document to know exactly when i made changes, i would really like to have an option to not display the timestamps to other users or prevent maxqda from even creating the timestamps
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Khaled Alostath gepostet etwa 22 Stunden her Administrator
I am not sure what you are referring to by timestamps with codes. Could you please provide us with more details for clarification?
Kind regards,
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