Textsearch Overlapping PDF Pages

Gepostet etwa 3 Stunden her von Michael. Me

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I just realized an issue when applying text search analysis for multiple words within a segment or sentence. Specifically, searching for words like "water" and "climate" within the same sentence or segment does not yield results if the sentence/segment spans across multiple pages in a PDF file. It appears that the search function does not work correctly for text fragments that extend beyond a single page. 

This is a significant issue for me because I am analyzing large text corpora, and in many cases, sentences do not end at the bottom of a page. As a result, important keyword combinations might be overlooked, affecting the accuracy of the analysis.

Is there any workaround or solution to handle this scenario effectively?

Thanks in advance for your help!

PS: Someone got the same problem in 2021, but the page isnt available anymore (https://www.maxqda.com/support/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1580

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