Framework Method - Charting the Matrix

Posted 8 months ago by kristen. hinckley@swisstph. ch

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kristen. hinckley@swisstph. ch

Hello! I am going to use the Framework Method. How can I chart the matrix once I have all of my transcripts coded?

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Stine Rüger

Stine Rüger posted 7 months ago Admin


MAXQDA can create different table or matrix views. A lot of the visualizations (for example the Code Matrix Browser) offer insight into patterns and differences across documents:


MAXQDA also offers a large variety of Mixed Methods tools, which are described in this overview in the manual:


If the manual does not help find the needed answers, it would be great to get a more detailed description of the goals and the information that should be displayed, in order to suggest the best tool.

Best regards, 

Your MAXQDA Support Team

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