How to switch off auto play in multi media browser?

Posted 5 months ago by Hist Research

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Hist Research


I am using MAXQDA (version 24.6.0) on Windows 10 to code videos. I find the multi media browser rather fiddly as it is, but what makes it hardest to use is the fact that whenever I try to place the starting or ending point of a clip, the video just keeps playing. So for example, I would stop the video, place the beginning of the clip (by clicking on a position in the timeline) and the video immediately starts playing from the position where I placed the beginning of the clip. If I want to stop the video again after that, I have to press the start/stop button or F4/5 twice for the video to finally stop. Now, granted, if the video is already stopped and I place the beginning (or end) of a clip using F7/8, the video doesn't start playing automatically, but as soon as I change the position of the clip, off it goes again... I don't think that's how it's supposed to work, as it makes clipping precise parts of the video nearly impossible. I looked at one of the official YouTube-Tutorials (this one in particular) and the same problem does not seem to be present there (starting from around 1:33, a clip is placed by clicking on the timeline and the video does not start playing automatically). So, how do I turn the auto play off and save my sanity?   

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Camilla Heldt posted 3 months ago Admin


Thank you for your inquiry. 

Please be informed that we converted your inquiry to a ticket and will answer you via e-mail.

We appreciate your patience and best regards from the MAXQDA-Support-Team

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